Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spottt, A Review

On this particular site I really don't do any marketing, but I test marketing concepts on other sites. One such site, which has a general audience, gets a couple thousand unique hits a day. I decided to run a test of a product by AdBrite called Spottt to see if those hits would increase.

This information comes from the Spottt website:

What is Spottt? Spottt is a free way to trade links with other like minded sites. You show ads of other Spottt members, and they will show your ads.

Who is Spottt for? Anyone with a webpage. It can be your blog, MySpace, Xanga, LiveJournal, or any other website.

What you do is sign up, create a little logo for your site, tell Spottt what your site is all about, place the code on your site and wait expectantly for the traffic to start rolling in.

The expectant wait was a long one. Informed that the site would be reviewed and placed within 72 hours, the reality was that I had the little dog picture up for over two weeks before being added to the program. Once I was finally approved by Spottt, I sincerely wished I hadn't.

The site I applied to Spottt for was ostensibly a religious site with a general audience. Needless to say I was a bit surprised when I got up one morning and logged on to find an ad for a porn site running. I hit refresh to change the ad and got a normal site. Refreshing again brought a naked busty wench advertising her wares. Another refresh brought the original porn ad.

Not quite a proper matching of audiences.

After removing the ad, I logged into my Spottt account and completed a customer service ticket which was never answered. With nothing more to go on, my experiment with Spottt ended there.

It should be pointed out that when I logged back in to Spottt that morning it claimed that all the credits I had built up by showing the ad for over two weeks had been spent. The site had been advertised tens of thousands of times that day. A quick review of the website's traffic showed that no one had arrived, presumably from a porn site, I guess, via Spottt.

Overall, I'd suggest avoiding Spottt unless your own ad shows a naked girl.

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